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Creating your First Network Diagram.

This guide will explain how to create and edit your first network diagram. I'll assume you already have an account created.
Creating and Sharing.
Right after you log into NetworkMaps, you will see a screen showing you a list of your network diagrams (provided that you already have created network diagrams).Network Diagram ListHere you can do the following
  1. New Diagram. Create a new diagram. Once clicked on this option, you will be asked for the name of the new network diagram.
  2. List of Diagrams. List of all the diagrams you have access to. Either because you created them (then you are the owner) or because someone shared them with you (in which case you'll have either read only or read write access). To access the diagram, click on the name of it. If you are the owner of the diagram, you'll see on the diagram a set of buttons:
  3. Link Sharing. Use this option if you want to share this diagram with anyone who has the link to the diagram. The diagram will be reachable by anyone with the link as Read Only. It will show a window where you can configure this setting as well as get the link to the diagram.
  4. Share. This option will allow you to share the diagram with specific people. It will open a window where you can specify the email address of the person you want it to be shared with and what permissions you want to give him on this network diagram.
  5. Settings. It will open a window where you will be able to rename the diagram and manage the list of users it is shared with.
Once you have created your first network diagram, click on it and you will be able to edit it.
Tool Boxes.
Network Diagram Tools
L2/L3 Diagram - Steps.
To create a proper network diagram where you document all L2 and L3 properties of your network, you can follow these steps. We will detail them in further sections.
Edit the L2 Diagram.
  1. Add the physical devices of your diagram.
  2. Add the physical links between devices.
  3. Add additional passive items (bases, texts, symbols, ...).
  4. Configure device names and adjust visual aspect of devices.
Configure L2 Elements.
  1. Configure the devices:
    • Loopback Interfaces.
    • VLANs.
    • VRFs.
  2. Configure device links.
    • Transceivers, interface names, aggregated Interfaces.
    • L3 Interfaces and subinterfaces
    • L2 Interfaces (access ports and trunks).
    • L3 interface.
Edit & Configure the L3 Diagram.
  1. Adjust position of elements on L3 diagram. As you progress on configuring the devices and device links, the L3 diagram will automatically be created. But NetworkMaps doesn't know where to place the different elements. So it will place them in random positions. You'll need to adjust the position of each element.
  2. Add additional passive items (bases, texts, symbols, ...).
  3. Configure IP addressing.
L2 Diagram - Elements.
A L2 Network Diagram is made up of different elements:
Edit the L2 Diagram.
First step to create a network diagram will be to add and position the different elements that form this diagram.
Add new Devices.
  1. Click on the "Add New Elements" toolbox.
  2. Select "Devices" on the toolbox that appears.
  3. Select the shape of the device we want to add.
  4. Click on the base where we want this device to appear.
Add new links.
  1. Select the "Add New Elements" button.
  2. Select "Links".
  3. Select "Line" or "Squared" depending if you want the link to follow a straight line between the connected devices or it to be bent on the axis.
  4. Click on the source devices and while holding the mouse button, move the mouse to the destination device.
Add text.
  1. Select the "Add New Elements" button.
  2. Select "Text".
  3. Click on the base where we want this text to appear.
  4. As soon as we click on the place where we want text to appear, the text settings window will appear. Here we can configure the aspect of this text as well as the text that we want.
Add symbols (Arrows, Flags, ...).
  1. Select the "Add New Elements" button.
  2. Select "Symbol".
  3. Select the type of symbol you want to add (arrows, flags, ...).
  4. Click on the base where we want this symbol to appear.
  5. Each type of symbol has different settings that define their look and feel. To change the appearance of a symbol, open the settings window of that element.
Modifying Elements of a Network Diagram.
Change Elements Toolbox.Once you click on the "Change Elements" toolbox, a new box will appear with the different actions you can do on the diagram elements. These are:
Configure L2 Elements.
NetworkMaps is capable of automatically generate a L3 Network Diagram based on your L2 diagram. For this to work properly, you need to define how the different devices and links are configured: what vlans and vrfs each device has, what links are L2 or L3 and how are they tagged, ... . This is done using the "Config" tool.
Configuring Devices.
Device Configuration Window.Once opened the configuration window of a device, we will be able to configure vlans, vrfs, SVIs, ... on this device. This information will be used to autogenerate the vrfs and vlans on the l3 diagram and connect them together using the svi information:
Configuring Links. Physical Properties.
Link Config Window.Links connect 2 devices. As such, when we configure a link, we will have to configure both sides.
When we open the Link Config window, we will initially see the physical configuration of a link. This is what type of connection it is (transceivers used), and the physical interfaces used on both sides. Also on this window, we will have a button per side of the link where we can open the window to edit L2/L3 settings of these links. When clicked, a new window will appear where we can configure the link type (None, L2 or L3) as well as the properties specific to this link type. These will be explained on the next sections.
Configuring Links. L2 (switchport) Interfaces.
L2 Link Configuration Window.L2 Interfaces are interfaces where our devices only switches traffic (withing a defined vlan). This is the most common type of interfaces on switches. For these type of interfaces, we have the following settings:
Configuring Links. L3 (routing) Interfaces.
L3 Link Configuration Window.L3 interfaces are interfaces used for routing traffic. These interfaces are the most common type of interfaces on routers or servers and usually will have IP addressing assigned (IP addresses are defined on L3 network diagrams).
Edit & Configure the L3 Diagram.
Once a L2 diagram is created and the devices and links on it have been configured properly, the different components of a L3 network diagram are automatically generated. This automation process doesn't try to place these components in a nice way, so the first task to be done will be to arrange them on a logical way. Second part will be to configure IP addressing of these elements.
Before moving on how to configure IP on these elements, let's look at what elements form a L3 network diagram: