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LDAP Authentication.

NetworkMaps can now be integrated with your existing LDAP infrastructure. In this model, users and user authentication are no longer managed by NetworkMaps, but by your existing LDAP infrastructure. This can be a server like OpenLDAP or Active Directory.

How it works.

Once LDAP is configured, NetworkMaps will start depending on your LDAP server to authenticate your users.
  1. When a user tries to authenticate, NetworkMaps, will try to authenticate this user to the LDAP server.
  2. Users will still authenticate using their email address (email address has to be stored on ldap server).
  3. You can define a list of LDAP groups users have to belong to to be able to login. NetworMaps will cache the contents of these groups and refresh this cache on a predefined frecuency (defined in configuration).
  4. Users won't be able to change their passwords or data from NetworkMaps user interface.
  5. Users will only be allowed to share diagrams with users on LDAP directory.


There is a set of parameters needed for NetworkMaps to be able to talk to your LDAP infrastructure. For placement of these parameters, please check the config file documentation.

Sample Configuration File.

    "timers": {
        "ldap_grouprefresh": 40
    "socket": {
        "address": "",
        "port": 3000
        "allowed_domains": [""],
        "authentication": "ldap",
        "ldap": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 389,
            "is_secure": false,
            "bind_required": true,
            "search_dn": "cn=admin,dc=networkmaps,dc=org",
            "search_password": "password123",
            "base_dn": "dc=networkmaps,dc=org",
            "objectclass_user": "inetOrgPerson",
            "allowed_groups_dn": ["cn=nm_group,ou=groups,dc=networkmaps,dc=org"],
            "group_recursion": 0,
            "email_attribute": "mail",
            "name_attribute": "givenName",
            "lastname_attribute": "sn",
            "member_attribute": "member"